Please choose what cultural themes that you think the performance should reference.
- the internet, Andy Warhol, 24-hour delis, reality TV (7%, 27 votes)
- Marcel Duchamp, chat rooms, ukuleles, take-out food (20%, 74 votes)
- Dada, vacation, global warming, pirates (18%, 66 votes)
- drag racers, forts, gardening, Honest Abe Lincoln (6%, 22 votes)
- heavy metal, big cities, capitalism, cigarettes (11%, 40 votes)
- The Walt Disney Company, holidays, advertisements, minimalism (10%, 37 votes)
- motels, snowmen, Star Trek, sleep (7%, 28 votes)
- AD&D, cable news, samples (1%, 4 votes)
- Cindy Sherman, mods, the USA, noir (9%, 33 votes)
- the Grateful Dead, Alcatraz, the Zodiac Killer, streetcars, Rice-A-Roni (12%, 45 votes)
total votes: 376
You have voted or the poll is closed.
all polls
- #1: The Rest of the Title (Nov 8–12)
- #2: Duration (Nov 13–19)
- #3: Props (Nov 20–26)
- #4: Cultural References (Nov 27–Dec 3)
- #5: Actions (Dec 4–10)
- #6: Wardrobe (Dec 11–17)
- #7: Audience (Dec 18–31)
- #8: Refreshments (Jan 1–7)
- #9: Space (Jan 8–14)
- #10: Conclusion (Jan 15–21)
- BONUS: Silent Mantra (Jan 22–Feb 6)
twhid | Nov 28, 2008 at 12:25 pm
I know that M.River is looking for an excuse to bring his ukulele…
quirk | Nov 29, 2008 at 12:08 am
drag racers, forts, gardening, and Honest Abe Lincoln. Name four things that are amazing and make you happy to a human.
m.river | Nov 29, 2008 at 4:01 pm
AFTP fun fact - when working on the list, people kept asking us what AD&D is. T.Whid and I spent a good deal of time thinking about if we should print the full name or not. In the end, we stayed with AD&D for the spacing. Yes, that’s right, we sometimes do things for visual reasons.
m.river | Nov 29, 2008 at 4:05 pm
@ quirk - I might not say Honest Abe makes me “happy” but his hat sure does.
steve | Nov 30, 2008 at 6:27 pm
NO!!! marcel duchamp - are you fucking kidding me? that is so artschool… maybe it was the ukulele.
m.river | Nov 30, 2008 at 8:50 pm
yeah, might be the uke. if this wins i have to teach t.whid to play. lord, that kinda scares me…
twhid | Nov 30, 2008 at 10:01 pm
maybe I could just learn the kazoo and washboard instead…
m.river | Dec 1, 2008 at 8:23 pm
ooooo…dada is gaining. go dada go.
m.river | Dec 3, 2008 at 9:46 am
hell. dada is stil behind. did we mention a vote for dada is a vote for pirates? everyone loves pirates.