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Nov 30, 2007

Google Reader stats, or, I’m a total dork

posted at 15:10 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek

Every other art blog is talking about the New Museum but I’m a dork so this art blog will talk about how to get feed stats from Google Reader!


You can see subscriber info and average number of posts per week. To see stats in Google Reader, do this: click on the ‘discover’ link next to the ‘add subscriptions’ link in the sidebar. Then click the ‘Browse’ tab, then do a search in the ‘Search and browse’ section. And that’s it! You’ll see a list of feeds that match your search criteria.

Interestingly you can snoop on other’s stats as well. For example, bloggy has 62 subs, Cory Arcangel has 141 and We Make Money Not Art has a whopping 2,466! Note that these are only Google Reader subscribers.


In other news, M.River has gone missing in Rome. He seems to be maintaining radio silence (voluntarily or otherwise). Guess that’s what I get for giving him a laptop with a fresh install of linux (which he’s never used) and kicking him out the door. permanent link to this post

Nov 27, 2007

NuMu Calvin Klein billboard mashup

posted at 20:28 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid




I can’t even tell anymore…

(Hint: you can see the profile of the New Museum’s new building in the un-dripped portion of the billboard.)

(via racked) permanent link to this post

Nov 26, 2007

Support Turbulence

posted at 14:43 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

They need $25K by the end of this year! Go to here to donate.

We need your support. If you:

— are one of the thousands of people who regularly visit, Networked_Performance, Networked_Music_Review and/or New American Radio


— are one of the hundreds of teachers who use Turbulence works in your new media/digital art courses


— are an artist who has received a Turbulence, Networked_Music_Review or New American Radio commission


— have presented at or attended Upgrade! Boston (Art Interactive or Massachusetts College of Art and Design), Floating Points (Emerson College), or Programmable Media (Pace Digital Gallery)

now is the time to give something back.

We cannot continue without your help. We MUST raise $25,000 by December 31, 2007.
permanent link to this post

Nov 23, 2007

Time has come today (Hey)

posted at 21:21 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

T.Whid fixed the dates in the MTAA-RR archive

Yeah, I know. It’s been broke forever.

T.Whid update
It’s *mostly* fixed. There’s still some funkiness here and there. Especially in Feb 06 — bah! permanent link to this post

Nov 20, 2007

Comments around the web

posted at 19:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I’ve been taking part in two discussions on two different blogs today.

The first, on Chris Fahey’s, where the discussion is about graphic design on the web. I don’t have time to summarize so please go to the thread and check it out. But my point wasn’t well made. If we’re going to discuss graphic design vis-a-vis the web, it doesn’t help to inject the web into what is a conversation about traditional graphic design.

If you want to crit Google’s logo, crit Google’s logo. What does the fact that Google makes its money via the web have to do with anything? Now. If you want to crit Google’s home page in regard to it’s visual design, that’s another story. The main design decision of Google’s home page isn’t the logo. It’s the singular search field. You could put any reasonably designed logo above this search field without significantly changing the function or feel of the page. This distinction, IMHO, embodies the disconnect between graphic designers critiquing the web and web designers critiquing the web.


The other is at ArtFagCity. My comment is still waiting moderation (Paddy please fix these long waits… makes it hard to have a discussion) but here it is:

Tom Moody wrote: “Art about the art world inherently blows”

I can never understand why some folks think certain subjects are inherently bad. It’s obvious to me that no subject is inherently bad — even the art world.

If a certain piece is naval-gazing bullshit, fine. If you think a certain subject is being over-explored (like skulls perhaps?), then say it.

But, to declare one subject off-limits because it “inherently blows” makes no sense.

Actually, good art about the art world is perhaps even harder to pull off because of the risks of a) naval-gazing and b) subject over-exposure.
permanent link to this post

When in Rome…

posted at 13:37 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

MTAA´S Super Slow 5K - ROMA (SS5K Roma)
A leisurely 5K (3.11 mile) group performance around the city of Rome


Following the success of the Super Slow 5K at Brooklyn´s McCarren Park in September 07, MTAA brings the SS5K to Italy. The SS5K Roma is a one day race/group performance in the streets of Rome. Registration to the SS5K Roma is free and open to the public. It begins at 12PM in the Mattatoio in Testaccio and ends when it seems right or at 5PM, whichever comes first. Refreshments will be served, folding chairs and blankets will be utilized. The performance/race will be overly documented. “Celebrity” judges will be on hand to award trophies for “Best Dressed” as well as the coveted SS5K 07 “Mr. or Ms. Congeniality Roma.”

The Super Slow 5K Roma takes place on Sunday December 2nd, 2007 at 12PM to 5PM (rain or shine) and starts at Mattatoio di Testaciio at Campo Boario , Rome, Italy

MTAA´s SSK5 ROMA is part of Enzimi 07
With thanks to Christina Ray and the fine folks at Glowlab

For more info visit permanent link to this post

Nov 15, 2007

Brody Condon, 3 Modifications

posted at 18:30 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

BTW, you’re a new media art chump if you miss Brody’s show at Virgil de Voldere Gallery. Opening tonight. permanent link to this post

iCommons auction

posted at 14:35 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

From the site
The iCommons Auction runs from 19 November to 14 December, 2007. This is an innovative auction of paraphernalia from some of the world’s leading Internet figures. From Internet activist and Stanford Law Professor, Lawrence Lessig’s coat that he wore in countries around the world that invited him to talk about free culture; to pre-prints from best-selling novelist, Cory Doctorow’s forthcoming, to-be-Creative Commons-licensed novel, Little Brother; and from #13 of only 20 plush toys of Firefox Japan’s mascot, Fox-keh that took the world by storm, to four of Indian intellectual property expert Lawrence Liang’s favorite Bollywood films: this auction is a celebration of free culture from around the world from those who make it and build it every day. All the proceeds of the auction will go to developing and sustaining iCommons’ global projects.

And MTAA donated 3 copies of The Evildoers’ Remix.

Check it out! permanent link to this post

Nov 12, 2007

“Performed Listening”

posted at 20:21 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Olson's “Performed Listening” at OTO

Photos from Olson’s “Performed Listening” now up at OTO’s Flickr Set and at Tintype

Thanks to all who made it out. permanent link to this post

Nov 10, 2007

Support Rhizome ‘07

posted at 16:30 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Support Rhizome - 2007

The new media art site is looking to raise USD30K by the end of the year. Help ‘em out! permanent link to this post

Nov 04, 2007


posted at 14:53 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

thiz websiet containz information regardin artist mtaa
permanent link to this post

Nov 02, 2007

Weezer cover of Pixies’ Velouria

posted at 20:11 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I can’t help but post a link to this cover of Velouria by Weezer. I’m a big Weezer fan. I’m an even bigger Pixies fan. This tune squashes two of rock’s best together in massively awesome track. It came out way back in ‘99, but I just found it (the Amazonians seem to have hated it).

holy shit! There’s a video of the Pixies’ Velouria (found via Wikipedia). It’s real media and I can’t get it to play. Let me know if you have better luck. permanent link to this post

Marisa Olson @ Over The Opening

posted at 16:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

still from Marisa Olson’s “Performed Listening: H” (2007)

On Friday November 9th from 7pm to 10pm, Over The Opening is pleased to present “Performed Listening” by Marisa Olson

Marisa Olson’s work often grows out of fan culture and her Performed Listening series explores the relationship between performer and spectator by underscoring the performativity of listening and watching. Began as a series of seemingly-silent performances in which Olson would listen to music on headphones, in a public context, the series has evolved into performances that sometimes incorporate other spectators and an expanded series of videos. In these tapes of Olson listening to music, the visual qualities are modified according to the sonic elements of the music being listened to.

For her exhibition, Olson installs two previous works from the Performed Listening series: “Easy Listening” (2005) and “Black and White” (2006). Olson also debuts “Performed Listening: H” (2007). In this new work, video of the artist listening to the Velvet Underground’s song, Heroin, is distorted by an analog “colorizer.”

Marisa Olson’s work ( has recently been presented by the Whitney Museum, the New Museum of Contemporary Art, the 52nd Biennale di Venezia, the Pacific Film Archive, Postmasters Gallery, and the New York Underground Film Festival. permanent link to this post

Art blog questionaire

posted at 15:22 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Paddy asks us to answer these questions.

Flattered that Paddy is interested in hearing MTAA’s views, but these questions aren’t very interesting to me. Plus they seem more focused on the critic/blogger as opposed to the artist/blogger. I did consider doing a snarky wise-ass reply to the questions, but I don’t have the time or energy right now.

Perhaps M.River will take a crack?

M.River Adds - Yes, Thanks PJ but I’ll pass as well. What I do here and on Tinjail makes little sense with this type of questions. The one thing I would say is that art/ review / crit blogs might want to avoid setting up standards and norms. Art needs a wide array of voices and styles. VVORKs, AFGs, MANs, ARTCALs, Reblogs, NNs, Rhizome Raws, Artnets and even Art Forum Diaries all have a role to play. permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.