MTAA-RR » on-line art » ismile:
Infinite Smile
2005, digital video loop

Infinite Smile is a digital video loop of MTAA smiling and blinking. The video is sped up 4x original speed.
This piece was originally created as an on-line art work to reward viewers who finished watching 1 year performance video for one year.
Subsequently it has been exhibited in various ways.
In 2005, as a two screen DVD installation at The 9th Annual D.U.M.B.O. Art Under The Bridge Festival (as part of video_dumbo). Here are a couple of photos of the DUMBO installation: (one) (two).
In 2007, as a large-scale projection in the group show Character Reference at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery. Below, an image of the piece at Bryce Wolkowitz (click for a larger image).

MTAA-RR » on-line art » ismile