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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » san jose semaphore cracked:

Aug 18, 2007

San Jose Semaphore cracked

posted at 13:05 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I hadn’t even heard of this project by Ben Rubin (of Listening Post fame), but it’s been solved.

From the artist’s web site:
San Jose Semaphore, by artist Ben Rubin, is a permanent public artwork commissioned by Adobe Systems Incorporated in collaboration with the City of San Jose’s Office of Cultural Affair’s Public Art Program.

Located within the top floors of Adobe’s Almaden Tower headquarters in San Jose, California, San Jose Semaphore is a multi-sensory kinetic artwork that illuminates the San Jose skyline with the transmission of a coded message. The content of the San Jose Semaphore’s message is a mystery; cracking the encryption technique and deciphering the message is posed as a challenge for the public.  To the first person or group to successfully crack the code, Adobe will award bragging rights and acknowledgment on both the Adobe website ( and the San Jose Semaphore website.

Fun! Don’t miss the PDF that talks about the solution. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » san jose semaphore cracked

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