MTAA-RR » news » twhid » rhizome redesign:
Feb 12, 2006
Rhizome redesign
posted at 16:45 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Rhizome’s got a fresh, new look just in time for the holidays.
There’s a couple of changes and new features too. Rhizome’s Director Lauren Cornell outlined them:
First, we changed the title of ‘Superusers’ (those who filter messages from RAW onto the front page and to the mailing list RARE) to ‘Site Editors.’ This decision came out of a conversation with (those formerly known as) the Superusers in which we decided that the title Site Editor more accurately and clearly described the work they do.
We also changed the ‘Community Directory’ to the ‘Member Directory’. Under the new membership policy, Rhizome’s community — defined here as people who participate in email discussions and our various programs — is now made up of Members and non-Members. So, again, we thought Member Directory was more accurate.
We also introduced the idea of RhizPaper which refers to the background image on the site. We’d like to turn this image over periodically with a new image by a different artist. The starting image is a rendition of root by our designer, Sarah. I should credit Marisa here: She came up with this idea as a way to have artists participate in the design..
Also, we didn’t switch over the title for Net Art News as we are still mulling over feedback and there are a couple of related technical issues we need to address that that got laid to the wayside as we headed towards the launch. So, stay tuned for that.
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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » rhizome redesign