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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » ps1 s website redesign sucks:

Feb 12, 2006

PS1’s website redesign sucks

posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

How does PS1’s web site bite? Let me count the ways… rudely.

1. Splash page (need I say more?)

2. Cheese ball flash animation announcing GNY2005

3. Evil pop-up from cheese ball flash animation announcing GNY2005

4. The artist list in the stupid pop-up from the cheese ball flash animation doesn’t do anything! Yes you can rollover an artist’s name and it lights up, but a click does… nothing!

5. The exhibition section just has the stinking press release? How about some friendly copy (and larger text). PLUS, the navigation of stinking press release is too small and too confusing (the page you’re on should be highlighted not the page you’re not on, duh!).

6. Why is there a ‘press’ section when the exhibition section already has the press release? Oh, I see, so you could put a really big dumb graphic that says ‘Press, Greater New York 2005’, which clicks off to MOMA’s site.

7. At least make the friggin’ top-left logo clickable back to the homepage for chrissakes! This has been web-site navigation convention from before the turn of the century!

8. It don’t validate. (snigger, snigger) And it’s so f’d up, it would be hard to figure out where to start.

9. Change your meta-tags now! NOW! NOW! NOW! (It’s a shame to see the free and open-source Mambo put to such wicked uses.)

Ahhhh. That felt good.

See PS1, I AM smarter than you! Hahahahaha.

(Even though you didn’t put me in GNY2005 damnit!)

Though my criticisms of PS1’s website are valid, the rude tone is meant as a bit of a joke or parody. See, I’m left out of the show, so my only recourse is this nerdy and nasty little crit of their website. It’s as much a put-down of myself as it is of PS1’s website. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » ps1 s website redesign sucks

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