MTAA-RR » news » twhid » politics » obama ftw:
Feb 03, 2008
Obama FTW
posted at 16:29 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics

Not that anyone cares, but I’m voting Barack Obama this Tuesday.
I would vote for Kucinich or Edwards (even though they’ve dropped out of the race) if New York wasn’t Clinton country.
Sadly (or perhaps not), I’m being swayed more by emotional than intellectual reasons. Obama does inspire me. I think with him as President that perhaps the US can finally and completely leave our racial problems behind. Perhaps an Obama presidency would really create true equality and justice in the US. I know that that sounds all too optimistic, but he does give me hope — as cheesy as that might sound.
In addition, Clinton is just more corporate-rule-as-usual. And dynasties are as un-american as can be and we should resist them when we can. Other than that, their policies are very similar. Obama’s health insurance policy has issues, but I’m hoping that when he’s president pressure from the left will force him to make it better, i.e. closer to the Edwards plan.
M.River adds - For the first time, I have registered as a Democrat. The reason is to vote for Senator Obama. I have only one simple reason why. He did not support the war in Iraq and I hope that he will, as president, remove our military from this country. That’s it. It’s time to bring troops home.
Another update - Krugman on Obama’s health plan… permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » politics » obama ftw