MTAA-RR » news » twhid » politics » dept of homeland security nyc highest risk:
Jan 08, 2007
Dept of Homeland Security: NYC highest risk
posted at 15:19 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, seeking to avert a repeat of last year’s furor over counter-terrorism grants to U.S. cities, announced Friday that New York, Washington and four other “highest-risk” metro areas will receive $411 million to subsidize their efforts to guard against terrorist attacks.
Wonder what those four others are? LA, SF, Houston? Dallas? Seattle? Miami?
Watching Children of Men (HIGHLY recommended) over the weekend it warmed my heart to see a casual passing reference by the main characters to the nuking of NYC at some vague point in the past of the movie’s present of 2027.
It seems that everyone is just assuming that it will happen eventually. Hopefully lots of people will get scared and move away so I can purchase some real estate in this damn city.
Have a good day! permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » politics » dept of homeland security nyc highest risk