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Feb 12, 2006
One thing about the debate
posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
Also, the media says about Bush that his strength is that he can stay relentlessly “on message.” This is a total, big, steaming pile of bullshit. “Stay on message” means repeats himself over and over because all he has are talking points coached into him by his handlers and he’s run out but needs to fill his time. He had to struggle to fill the tiny amount of allotted time half the time! What a pathetic ass.
And from
Every president gets tucked away into a cocoon to some degree. But President Bush does notoriously few press conferences or serious interviews. His townhall meetings are screened so that only supporters show up. And, of course, he hasn’t debated anyone since almost exactly four years ago.I had the same impression and loved it. permanent link to this post
Frankly, I think it showed. It irked him to have to stand there and be criticized and not be able to repeat his talking points without contradiction.
Photos of 1YPV at NuMu
posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
The photos are fairly lame (flash, fish-eyed, yeck), but it gives you an idea of what it looks like installed. You can see the Mac mini mounted to the wall under the 60” screen.
Click the images below for larger images if you are so inclined.

Thanks to everyone at Rhizome and the New Museum, the installation looks great. permanent link to this post
Drinkin’ & Drawin’ Championship photos
posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos

Also, an honorable mention goes to Neil Jenkins who sent this drawing all the way from the UK under the influence of large amounts of vodka (click for a larger image):

posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos

You may be able to make out his drawing, it’s to the left of the monkey with a gun drawing next to his head.
See all photos from The Drinkin’ and Drawin’ Championship 2005. permanent link to this post
DADC 2005 - 1st Runner Up
posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos

He successfully defended his 1st Runner Up title from last year!
See all photos from The Drinkin’ and Drawin’ Championship 2005. permanent link to this post
DADC 2005 - 2nd Runner Up
posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
Visit Justin’s web site.

He was the honorable mention, but the 2nd runner up had left, so the title went to him. Unfortunately, we had put the other person’s name on the certificate already. Sorry dude!
See all photos from The Drinkin’ and Drawin’ Championship 2005. permanent link to this post
Casa de MTAA
posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
Back from <PAUSE>
posted at 16:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
Thanks again to Valerie Lamontagne and Brad Todd of MobileGaze for inviting us to participate in the exhibition and inviting us to Montreal to present our work.
I’ve posted some photos, mostly of the artist presentations. Follow the link here or click the thumbnail below.

Sep 01, 2003
Pirated Movie Photos
posted at 13:25 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos

the performers, from top right: tinydiva, Fritz Welch (Pee In My Face With Surgery), Jaime Fennelly (Pee In My Face With Surgery), Taketo Shimada, Naval Cassidy, and Jackmaster Arcangel.
Pirated Movie (MTAA’s pirated screening of Disney’s Pirates of The Caribbean) seems to have gone fairly well. Click on the thumbs above and you can see some photos of the evening.
My one regret is not getting any photos of all the people running out with their hands over their ears during Pee In My Face With Surgery’s set.
In the beginning it was very crowded, but it cleared out as the heat, Pee In My Face With Surgery, and nicotine addictions got the better of people. There were a few hearty souls who stuck it out through the entire night (meaning that they didn’t go and hang around outside the gallery) some of whom I’ll name here: Heather Stephens, Jeff Wyckoff, Dyske Suematsu, Joseph McElroy, and Bogyi Banovitch. Thanks guys! permanent link to this post
Aug 04, 2003
The “SUMMEr oF HTML” Tour
posted at 12:41 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
T.Whid was tired and sweaty and left early so these photos aren’t of the whole show unfortunately. It was highly entertaining, informative and fun and If I wasn’t so lazy I could have enjoyed the entire thing. I’ll be regretting it for some time I’m sure.
Click here for the photos permanent link to this post
Jul 20, 2003
Coney Island July 2003
posted at 11:03 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos

Here are some pics. (On a brand new site which will become shortly. I’ll be using it mostly for commercial stuff, but I may move over there too.) permanent link to this post
Jul 13, 2003
July 2003 Photos
posted at 14:22 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
We took some photos of the events, CLICK ON THIS LINK to see them. permanent link to this post
Apr 22, 2003
Net Art NYC April 20, 21, 2003
posted at 14:27 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
There are some more things happening this week other than the one’s I’m covering so if anyone wants to leave the times and dates in the comments please feel free. There is an opening for the Digital Salon at the World Financial Center tonight and an opening on Wednesday launching EAI projects by Tony Martin, Torsten Burns, and Darrin Martin (MTAA showed with these guys at the Eyebeam AIR show).
Mouchette’s show at Postmasters was fun. There was a big inflatable environment which contained Mouchette and people cued up for a chance to go inside and talk with (what turned out to be) him. He was a very polite, fairly young frenchman who took our picture after we talked for a few minutes.
Pics of Mouchette event at Postmasters
Jodi’s INSTALL.EXE rocks the house. They managed to fill Eyebeam’s huge space comfortably with the big main space reserved for 4 large projections of what Cory Arcangel dubbed “desktop improvisation”. MTAA had a close relationship to the show as M.River was hired to oversee the construction and installation of the work and ended up working with JOan Heemskerk and DIrk Paesmans on the show.
There are no pics of Joan Heemskerk in my little photo documentation because she was unfortunately not feeling well and was at the opening only a short time.
Here are some photos (I’m a dork and didn’t take any photos of the actual work, just the people). permanent link to this post
Apr 06, 2003
Forget Your Troubles and ROCK!!!
posted at 16:16 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
Mar 13, 2003
Thing Benefit
posted at 14:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
M.River and I started out our evening by having some drinks at openair bar on St. Mark’s Place in the East Village. We then met Doran Golan at his restaurant, La Casalinga (check out a qtvr), and he treated us to a very good pasta dinner with tasty red wine. Highly reccomended if your visiting NYC.
Cabbed it to The Thing benefit at Good World Bar & Grill. The place was already crawling with thingistas including Wolfgangsta himself, Christiane Paul & John Klima, Ricardo Dominquez & Diane Ludin, and Mark Tribe. Everyone looked like they were having fun supporting The Thing. permanent link to this post
Mar 09, 2003
Eyebeam Kegger
posted at 14:16 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
Me and M.River got ripped doood. Check it out.

Mar 04, 2003
The Upgrade
posted at 11:45 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
The Upgrade started as a casual get-together between Yael Kanarek, Mark Napier, M.River, and T.Whid at the bar 2A in Manhattan’s East Village. Eventually, as the get-togethers grew, we moved over to Two Boots pizza. Finally, to make the meetings more productive, Yael persuaded Eyebeam to begin hosting the events at The Filmmakers Collaborative (another org, like Eyebeam, founded by John Johnson). That’s when the meetings became known as The Upgrade because we were upgrading to a new room with projectors, internet connections and critical discussions as opposed to pizza, beer and gossip. When Eyebeam’s Chelsea warehouse became usable the meetings moved there.
The most recent Upgrade was the three year anniversay and Eyebeam was kind enough to donate a small brunch to accompany the presentation. Here are some photos of the event: permanent link to this post
Feb 27, 2003
Benefit The ‘Zome
posted at 09:51 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
We also found ourselves drinking a whole bunch of booze and taking these photos.
Don’t miss the ritual Passing of The Five Bucks. permanent link to this post
Feb 24, 2003
Cremaster Opening At The Guggenheim
posted at 23:20 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
Click here to experience the glamorious life of M.River and T.Whid. permanent link to this post
Feb 17, 2003
Snow Day
posted at 19:16 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
Here are some pics of my street in Brooklyn:
pic 1
pic 2
pic 3 permanent link to this post