MTAA-RR » news » twhid » nature version 2 0:
Jan 28, 2008
Nature Version 2.0
posted at 22:46 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Our good friends Cary Peppermint and Christine Nadir (aka EcoArtTech) have organized this exhibition and symposium at Colgate University. The exhibition features a great selection of new media artists.
Lots more info here.
Nature Version 2.0: Ecological Modernities and Digital Environmentalism
Jan. 21 - Feb. 16, 2008 @ Colgate University’s Clifford Gallery, Hamilton, New York.
Featuring works by Natalie Jeremijenko, Brooke Singer, Joline Blais, Jane Marsching, Colin Ives, Alex Galloway, Amy Franceschini, Tom Sherman, Michael Alstad, Don Miller (aka no carrier), and Andrea Polli.
Curated by EcoArtTech (Cary Peppermint & Christine Nadir)
Nature Version 2.0 is a survey of artists who reinvent environmentalism for a digital age in a number of ways: by examining how digital technologies can make ecological problems more salient, by reusing and recycling obsolete technologies for new uses, and by exploring how digital spaces and the public domain may require environmental protection much like nature. Re-imagining the relationship between nature and technology, Nature Version 2.0 suggests an ethics of the network and an environmentalism of natural, built, and digital spaces.
This exhibition is in conjunction with Environmental Art and New Media Technologies: Imagining Sustainable Futures, a two-day symposium on interdisciplinary, digital, and networked art and research that draws upon environmental science, computer science, design, hacking, gameplay, engineering, and ecocriticism. Following the Nature Version 2.0 artists’ reception on February 8, keynote speaker Natalie Jeremijenko will launch the two-day Environmental Art and New Media Technologies symposium in Golden Auditorium, Little Hall, at 7pm. “90 Degrees South,” a multimedia performance by Andrea Polli will follow at 9pm in the Clifford Gallery. The symposium will resume in Golden Auditorium on February 9 for a day of talks and presentations by critics and exhibiting artists, 9am-5pm.
Hosted by Colgate University’s Clifford Art Gallery, the Department of Art and Art History, and the Environmental Studies Program, these events were made possible through funding provided by the Institute for the Creative and Performing Arts, the Film and Media Studies Program, the Environmental Studies Program, and the Center for Ethics and World Societies at Colgate University. All events are free and open to the public.
Lots more info here. permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » nature version 2 0