MTAA-RR » news » twhid » mtaa s karaoke deathmatch 100 unleashed:
Apr 15, 2007
MTAA’s Karaoke DeathMatch 100 UNLEASHED!
posted at 14:04 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Karaoke DeathMatch 100 (AKA KDM100)
New rounds daily from April 15 2007 - June 4, 2007!
Artist collaborative M.River & T.Whid Art Associates face off in the most brutal performance art smack down of the new millennium…Karaoke Deathmatch 100! This alcohol-fueled blood feud features 50 rounds of sing-along fury (taped live over an 8-hour period with hardly any pee breaks). No Carpenters hit too cheesy, no heavy metal lyric too trite for these teleprompter warriors to hurl in a battle to the end. Who will emerge victorious? Only YOU can decide.
MTAA’s Karaoke DeathMatch 100 is a video blog performance that takes place over 50 days starting April 15th, 2007 and ending June 4th, 2007. Each day, a new round is posted pitting M.River & T.Whid against each other in drunken karaoke competition. Visit the web site daily to view the sets of videos, vote for your favorite and discuss the artists’ performances. At the end of the competition, the votes will decide who is the Karaoke DeathMatch 100 Champion.
The web version of KDM100 is an official selection of Visual 07. 7º Festival De Creación Audiovisual Ciudad De Majadahonda. The gallery version of KDM100 premiered at the Leonart ‘05 art festival in Leonding, Austria.
KDM100 was shot in May 2005 over 8 hours.
video production:
Bill Hallinan, Andre Sala and George Su
web production:
MTAA; developed using open-source software: Wordpress, X-Poll and embedthevideo.
web site:
iTunes Store: click here
QuickTime feed:
Windows Media feed: permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » mtaa s karaoke deathmatch 100 unleashed