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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » ff nowar:

Mar 19, 2003

NO WAR campaign

posted at 09:39 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

And why won’t be taking part.

FutureFarmers have replaced their homepage with an anti-war homepage that says simply ‘NO WAR’ with links to resources and other ‘NO WAR’ pages.

I can’t put into the campaign because I don’t believe in the ideology behind the message. The <title> of the page reads “NO BLOOD FOR OIL AND PROFIT!!!”, I believe this is an overly simplistic view of our current situation and a dangerous view to espouse. I don’t oppose the war for pacifist or ideological reasons, I oppose it for security reasons. This war is going to make the world a more dangerous place IMO. Also, the simple message of ‘NO WAR’ would lead people to believe that I oppose all wars, but I don’t. Sometimes violence must be met with violence in order to achieve greater aims (WWII being the example that everyone drags out).

So, the FutureFarmer’s ‘NO WAR’ message will not replace’s index page, I’m not sure if M.River agrees with me but I maintain and I feel I’m allowed to make the decision.

Having said that, don’t forget to join the ANTI-WAR MARCH THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 22ND. If you’re in NYC you can join the march on Bway between 36th and 42nd streets before noon. M.River and I are going to join the funeral bloc which is meeting at the main library (42nd and 5th) and march from there to the main march. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » ff nowar

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