MTAA-RR » news » twhid » favorite color:
Mar 03, 2008
Favorite color
posted at 15:55 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Via some meanderings on-line I found this little blog interview with Cory Arcangel in reference to the new show at MoMA “Color Chart.”
In the blog post, the W mag editor asks Ellsworth Kelly, Robert Ryman and Frank Stella what their favorite colors are. None of these icons of color would say they had a favorite color.
Cory, of course, went against the grain and chose red…
As far as I can remember red has always looked good to me—on cars, on Detroit Redwing uniforms.
There is more than the age difference between the oldsters and Cory. First off, the old guys are all painters (more or less) but Cory isn’t. Cory was trained as a musician and I’d bet that if you asked him his favorite note he wouldn’t give you a definitive answer.
I was trained as a painter and in a recent MTAA project I had to answer the favorite color question and confidently stated that artists don’t have favorite colors. I think M.River chose blue….
M.River adds - Yes, blue is good but if you look at my site, you will see that my fav RGB bacground color is
t.whid updates
What M.River doesn’t know is that in CSS shorthand you can type the hexidecimal notation for grey like this:
I put that color in every web project I do… just for fun and because I’m evil. So you could say that ‘#666’ is my favorite color. permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » favorite color