MTAA-RR » news » twhid » black out:
Aug 17, 2003
The Incredibly Tardy Blackout Story
posted at 14:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
I’m sure you may have read some heart-warming or hair-raising stories already so I would like to bore you with a story of pettiness.
Friday, late morning, I’m standing in line at a pay phone on the corner of Grand St. and Bedford Ave. in Brooklyn attempting to contact my mother in Cleveland. There is a guy in line who claims to be conducting audio interviews for the BBC’s website and he interviews another guy in front of me in the pay phone line.
The guy being interviewed was the biggest idiot I’d ever heard. First, he’s going on about how he’s “trapped” in Brooklyn! WTF? Man, have you ever heard of these cool new things called BRIDGES? There are a bunch of them which span the East River. In fact, there is one of these amazing structures only FIVE BLOCKS south of here! Walk your lazy-ass OVER the bridge and back to Manhattan because we don’t need you in Brooklyn.
THEN, this dolt goes on about how the power is back on in Manhattan and spouting off about how everyone needs to be patient. At this point, I wanted to grab the mic and tell the BBC that not all New Yorkers have such a generous attitude towards the energy companies which allowed this bullshit to happen. I wanted to scream how we demand accountability, we demand punishment for those responsible, we demand our electric service RETURNED!
Obviously, I didn’t do anything like that, I simply waited patiently in line and still couldn’t get through to my mother and grandmother in Cleveland. permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » black out