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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » billyburg highrises a comin:

Feb 12, 2006

Billyburg highrises a-comin’

posted at 16:38 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

City officials agreed yesterday to let developers turn the decaying north Brooklyn waterfront, with its relics of Brooklyn’s industrial past, into a neighborhood of residential towers with a parklike esplanade along the East River.

The plan, which rivals the ambition and scope of the creation of Battery Park City, would rezone a 175-block area of Greenpoint and Williamsburg, two neighborhoods that have surged in popularity because of their proximity to Manhattan but whose development has been curtailed because much of the area is now restricted to industrial use.

via: City Is Backing Makeover for Decaying Brooklyn Waterfront
Our studio is a half-block away from this so-called ‘decaying Brooklyn waterfront’ and already the rent is too high! With this and the new cruise ship terminal in Redhook, there just ain’t places for beat hipsters to get a fair shake in Brooklyn anymore. I smell the Bronx, yeah… the Bronx. Or, we’ll need to move out to Bushwick I mean EAST Williamsburg. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » billyburg highrises a comin

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