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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » billburg hipster:

Jul 09, 2003

Williamsburg Hipster

posted at 21:29 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

This was supposed to be a rant against, not the Williamsburg hipster, but against the idea of the Williamsburg hipster. I had this idea that “Williamsburg hipster” was a meme out-of-control and I wanted to stop it. But, unfortunately for my rant, when you search for that exact string on Google, “Williamsburg hipster,” you only come up with 66 hits which are mostly NYC-based blogs.

So, I guess it’s not an out-of-control meme at the moment. So maybe I’m nippin’ it in the bud. I first became annoyed by it on this otherwise uplifting post on the huge clan of Korean-Americans gathered under an elm tree, with the family of Hasidic Jews strolling down the path behind them; the white soccer moms picnicking on the lawn; the Puerto Ricans barbecuing up the hill, with the Williamsburg hipsters playing Frisbee between then; the rap and salsa and acoustic guitars; the old couple reading a Spanish-language paper I’d never seen before. Now, hold on a minute yo! “Williamsburg Hipster” is not a creed or nationality. I found it strange to be mixed in with Koreans and Hasid. Don’t get me wrong, the post was great and NYC parks always get my multi-culti American pride goin’ as well, but I need to stop the MEME!

I’ve lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC since 1993 and I’m not hip AT ALL! You’d think if I had been ensconced within hipsterdom for so long I might become hip but if anything I’ve become less hip, not more. I’m fatter, I dress worse, I don’t do as many drugs, my hair is much thinner, I haven’t owned a meshback cap for years, and I’m desperately trying to find a regular monthly AD & D game!

I live in Williamsburg, I’m not hip, and I got the pictures to prove it! permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » billburg hipster

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