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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » bendable electronic paper:

Feb 12, 2006

Bendable electronic paper

posted at 16:38 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

An anonymous reader writes “Fujitsu today announced their joint development of the world’s first film substrate-based bendable color electronic paper with an image memory function. The new electronic paper features vivid color images that are unaffected even when the screen is bent, and features an image memory function that enables continuous display of the same image without the need for electricity. The thin and flexible electronic paper uses very low power to change screen images, thereby making it ideal for displaying information or advertisements in public areas as a type of new electronic media that can be handled as easily as paper. The jointly developed electronic paper will be showcased at Fujitsu Forum 2005, to be held July 14 and 15 at Tokyo International Forum.”

via: Fujitsu Debuts Bendable Electronic Paper

When are we get real paper-like (reflective as opposed to projective) digital displays there will be a total revolution in all aspects of the digital art field (and every other field that deals with digital display).

By real I mean hi-resolution, cheap, low-power (if it’s reflective it would have to be) and easy-to-use. Is this Fujitsu product it? From the images on the linked site it would appear the answer is no. The images appear jagged (no anti-aliasing on digital paper?) and practically colorless. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » bendable electronic paper

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