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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » autotrace 2 nocturne performative:

Oct 10, 2010

Autotrace #2 (Nocturne; performative)

posted at 02:52 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid


Artists MTAA’s Autotrace series is a group of prints, installations and performances where the artists take a digital reproduction (JPEG) of a well-known painting and then use Adobe Illustrator’s Live Trace feature to automatically transform the digital bitmap image into a digital vector image.

Different strategies are then used to present a new, original artwork from the autotraced image.

Performative Autotrace
The performative variety of the Autotrace takes the form of a live, public demonstration of the technique. The mechanics of the autotrace are performed on the artists’ computer and projected before an audience. Usually the performance concludes after a single vector shape is randomly chosen from the autotraced bitmap and presented as a new work of art.

MTAA conducted their first1 performative autotrace during a lecture conducted for the Takeovers & Makeovers: Artistic Appropriation, Fair Use and Copyright in the Digital Age symposium at UC Berkeley on November 7th, 2008. A reproduction of Joan Miro’s Nocturne was used.

Autotrace #2 (Nocturne; performative) is freely available to download. Follow the link below to acquire the artwork.

Download the shape in SVG2 format.


This JPEG reproduction of Joan Miro’s Nocturne was used as the base for Autotrace #2 (Nocturne; performative).

1. Though this was the first performative Autotrace, it is the second in the series. The first in the series is Autotrace #1 (Full Fathom Five).
2. Scalable Vector Graphics; an open and standard XML-based vector graphics format.
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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » autotrace 2 nocturne performative

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