MTAA-RR » news » twhid » art ideas 05 03:
May 12, 2003
New Art Idea
posted at 17:43 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
First, unfortunately, due to variables outside of our control, we won’t be able to wall in Rome gallery like we were hoping to do. Our plan was to wall in the entire gallery with plywood, like a construction barricade, then curate a show of artist flyers to wheatpaste to our new plywood wall. It’s a drag, but, what are ya gonna do? There were problems with the landlord. Williamsburg is definitely not what it used to be. No big deal.
We came up with a some good replacement ideas though. The one we’re leaning towards has to do with taking the iconic gallery announcement postcard and turning that into art itself. I won’t go into details yet, but a novelty-sized (as Letterman would say) postcard, playing with scale and location, and circular logic all are part of it.
Making the postcard into art isn’t new for MTAA however. For a solo show we did back in ‘00 we treated the postcard like an object d’art. In that show we took the postcard and made a painting out of it. People could also turn in their postcards for free ‘customized’ beers at the opening. We were emphatic that the beer was NOT art, but people treated it that way anyway. I think they just liked the idea that they were gettin’ free art (or free beer, can’t decide). permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » art ideas 05 03