MTAA-RR » news » twhid » are we still blogging um yes:
May 14, 2009
Are we still blogging? Um… yes?
posted at 22:56 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
T.Whid has been doing stuff that looks like this:

And M.River has been doing whatever it is that M.River does when he disappears for a while. I think that it may involve a lot of demolishing stuff and (I’m assuming) alcohol.
If you really miss MTAA you can follow our Twitter updates (M.River; T.Whid) and/or our delicious links (M.River; T.Whid). If you know us, you can find us on Facebook (I don’t accept requests from people I don’t personally know however).
We have some stuff coming up so watch this space!
m.river adds…

1. Done with demo for the next few months.
2. Here is a short loop about it.
3. I’ll facebook befriend almost anyone. Cuz I’m like that.
4. Don’t forget Flickr
5. Yes, new MTAA stuff soon. permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » are we still blogging um yes