MTAA-RR » news » twhid » off the grid exhibition the neuberger:
Mar 27, 2008
“Off the Grid” Exhibition @ the Neuberger
posted at 14:45 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Via emailed press release:
EcoArtTech will be demonstrating their Environmental Risk Assessment Rover-AT at Purchase College, SUNY, Purchase, NY each evening at dusk on 3/27, 3/28, and 3/29, 2008.permanent link to this post
Ecoarttech’s ERAR-AT is part of the Neuberger Museum of Art’s “Off the Grid” Exhibition, March 30 - June 1, 2008. “Off the Grid” features works that subvert and circumvent conventional infrastructures. Co-presented by the Neuberger Museum of Art and free103point9 and curated by Jacqueline Shilkoff, Galen Joseph-Hunter, Tianna Kennedy, and Tom Roe.
Participating artists: Benjamin Cohen, Dylan Gauthier, and Stephan von Muehlen, EcoArtTech, eteam, Max Goldfarb, Louis Hock, Nina, Katchadourian, Kristin Lucas, Joe McKay, Trevor Paglen, Temporary Services, Seth Weiner, Bart Woodstrup
MTAA-RR » news » twhid » off the grid exhibition the neuberger