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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » 1ypv yahoo pick 11 14 2004:

Feb 12, 2006

1YPV: Yahoo! Pick 11-14-2004

posted at 16:37 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

1 year performance video was a Yahoo! Pick for November 14, 2004.

What the hell is a Yahoo! Pick you ask?
Choosing Yahoo! Picks is a democratic process. Our team of surfers — the folks responsible for building the Yahoo! Directory — suggest sites for inclusion in Yahoo! Picks. The candidates are whittled down to a select few by our editorial team. What do we look for? Sites that are different, compelling, educational, and, most of all, entertaining. It’s unlikely you’ll find the latest web site for a new laundry detergent featured in Yahoo! Picks — we strive to find things a little off the beaten path.
It’s nice to know we’re off the beaten path, at least by Yahoo! standards. And I like to think we’ve met all criteria: 1YPV is different, compelling, educational, and entertaining. I mean, how often does the web public get to view video of a grown man bare-bottomed on a bucket? permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » 1ypv yahoo pick 11 14 2004

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