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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » 1ypv gallery version:

Feb 12, 2006

1YPV: gallery version

posted at 16:37 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I’m very excited to report that the gallery installation version of 1 Year Performance Video looks like it’s ready to go.

The installation version is different from the web version in a number of significant ways outlined below.

First, it’s a stand-alone application written in pure Cocoa for Mac OS X. The web version is programmed in Flash and PHP.

Second, It was programmed by RSG. MTAA generated the XML playlists for the piece using a modified version of the PHP script that builds the playlists for the web version, (more on this below). But, otherwise, it was RSG all the way.

Third, it uses MPEG4 video instead of Flash video. Due to the constraints of the web we needed to use a low frame rate (15 fps) and a small size. Since the stand-alone version is using video already residing on the local hard drive we can use full NTSC frame rate (30 fps) and the video is much larger and clearer.

Fourth, it works at full screen with both channels of the video presented on the display. This is opposed to the web version which functions only within a web browser.

Fifth (and most importantly IMO), it functions differently in (what I think) is a fundamental way. Currently, the web version pulls a new playlist every time the piece is loaded in a browser. This playlist contains about 8 hours worth of video for each channel (the piece is a two channel video, one channel is mriver the other twhid). When it reaches the end of this playlist, it pulls a new one.

But, the new stand-alone version has one year-long playlist for each video channel (around 30MB of XML summed). When the piece first starts it plays the first video and keeps playing videos until it gets to the end (about 200,000 entries). It then starts over. If the piece is interrupted (crashes, quits, etc), it will pick up where it left off.

Sixth, the amount of days that the piece has been running are presented. This is opposed to the web version where the number of seconds the viewer has been running the piece are presented.

Seventh, no internet connection needed (it’s not net art!).

We hope to present this work sometime later this year, stay tuned for more info. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » twhid » 1ypv gallery version

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