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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » 10 women artists get 25 000 grants:

Feb 12, 2006

10 Women Artists get $25,000 Grants

posted at 16:37 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

And one of them is our blog pal Joy Garnett. Congratulations Joy! Part of the press release below:
“Anonymous Was a Woman Awards 10 Women Artists with $25,000 Grants”

Anonymous Was A Woman
New York, NY, USA United States of America

Anonymous Was A Woman has announced the 10 artists selected to receive the Foundation’s ninth annual awards. The “no strings” grant of $25,000 enables women over 35, at a critical juncture in their lives or careers, to continue to grow, recover from traumatic life events, and pursue their work. Lauren Katzowitz Shenfield, administrator of the program, explained, “Anonymous Was A Woman Awards have become synonymous with important recognition at a crucial stage in the artists’ careers. The financial gift helps artists buy time, space, materials, and equipment, and the award itself helps them feel worthy in their chosen pursuit.”

The name of the grant program, Anonymous Was A Woman, refers to a line in Virginia Wolf’s A Room of One’s Own. As the name implies, the nominators and those associated with the program are un-named, and artists are unaware that they are being considered for the award. Winners are often stunned by the news, once even calling back in the middle of the night to confirm that it wasn’t a dream. [emphasis added]


To date, 91 women have received the award. Each year, an outstanding group of distinguished women – art historians, curators, and writers - nominate artists for the award.

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MTAA-RR » news » twhid » 10 women artists get 25 000 grants

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