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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » whatisay:

Feb 12, 2006

unreadable at any speed

posted at 16:37 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

T.Whid and I received a rough draft of an interview we did for an online art/ culture magazine. It’s a good interview and we had fun doing it. We will post all the details when it is live.

The reason I’m posting about receiving the rough draft is this – After reading the rough draft, I realized that I feel sorry for anyone who has to translate what I say from audio tape or proof read what I write. When I write, as you probably know if you read the mtaaRR, I have terrible spelling and grammar. On top of that, I couch sentences inside of sentences. It’s just my style or lack there of. When I speak – as some of you I‘m generally passive in conversation…lots of pointing and grunting - I ramble on like Abe Simpson. This is fine for me and T.Whid seems to get what I’m saying – but I fell bad for anyone else who has to deal with it. What do they call it? Adult ADD? Here is a fine example from the interview.

“These web pages had this quasi-porn look to them -at least that’s what we were shooting for, but as you kinda dig though the piece a little more and you investigate pass the visual part of the piece, you realize that these little web pages, these fake web pages, are basically pages that we built to kinda have the look “about us”.”

Note: Hey look. It’s a narcissistic post with a narcissistic self quote. Sad. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » whatisay

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