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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » what to do late saturday night or early sunday morning:

Feb 12, 2006

What to do late Saturday night or early Sunday morning?

posted at 16:37 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

I’m thinking about checking the 24 Hour Incidental at the Swiss Institute.

Fav work from the website? I hope to see Jason Dodge’s Kristin Larson has been to the South Pole

“Jason Dodge will utilize the open structure of the event by inviting Kristin Larson, who has explored the South Pole, to visit anonymously at any time, for any amount of time.”

This show is part of Performa 05. Roberta Smith gives an overview of Performa in the Friday NYT

Performance Art Gets Its Biennial

MTAA will be part of the Performa show at Artist Space in December. More details soon. Very soon. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » what to do late saturday night or early sunday morning

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