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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » war recap:

Feb 12, 2006

War, a brief recap

posted at 16:37 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Okay, so America invades a country. Or was it liberates? We invade to stop this country from creating nuclear bombs and dropping them on New York. We invade to punish them for 9/11. Okay, that’s not what we are saying now — but that’s what everyone seemed to be saying at the time. Come on, just admit it. You’ll feel better.

Anyway, so we invade. US soldiers are killed. We kill some people. We lock some people up. We get caught torturing some people we locked up but we just blame some low level grunts for that. In general, we kick the old government out and call the war over. We try not to mention the missing bomb factories and terrorist ties.

Some time goes by. More US soldiers are killed. Contractors and aid workers who were going to rebuild the country are killed. The police and army that we had planned to pass our job to are killed. Local politicians are taken out of their cars and gunned down in the streets. Large sections of the country are deemed “no-go zones.” We spend a jaw-dropping amount of money.

Now, talk about “winning.” As in, “we’re going to win this one.” We talk about the upcoming election that will set up a new government for this country. We begin to talk about disengagement.

So, here is my idea. After the January election, let’s all give a big cheer; call it a win and get the fuck out of Iraq.

What? That’s not going to work? The country will disintegrate into a blood bath? Into something far more hospitable to terrorists than when we got there? Damn, I never saw that coming. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » war recap

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