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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » su 02 07 05:

Feb 12, 2006

SU 02-07-05

posted at 16:36 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

MTAA Studio Update 02-07-05 Here is another “Studio Update”. Fair warning, reading about the nuts and bolts of our studio is akin to reading about the weather.

At long last, the floor has a fresh coat of deck paint (Battleship Gray). Our studio is above South First Gallery. Apparently, some paint dropped down into the gallery last week. I went down to apologize on Sunday. He laughed and showed me the two small drops of paint that had landed on his note book. The drops came from the holes he drilled in the ceiling for a phone line last year. Somehow, I think we could make some art this way.

Last Wednesday we assembled what we thought would be the final 1ypv sculpture. Basically we took all the parts of the “set” and stacked them up with the projector on top. It looked interesting but it was difficult to get an image of the sculpture with a good sized projection in the studio. After trying a few different arrangements, we decided to take the sculpture apart and put the props back on the stage. On Sunday, we had the set rebuilt on the stage with the 1ypv projected on the back wall. I think we got some good shots.

Also on Sunday, we also stopped by our new down the hall neighbor LMAK projects to see a very cool installation / performance by Emily Katrencik permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » su 02 07 05

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