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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » nyt review:

Feb 12, 2006

NYT Review

posted at 16:36 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Here is the NYT review of the Artbase 101 show. I was a bit fearful of this review based on Boxer’s last tee-up on interactive art but she seems somewhat charmed by the show. Good job to all.

Here is the MTAA section.
Certain works come right out and demand great gobs of your time. Overreaching is part of their charm.

“1 Year Performance Video,” by M. River and T. Whid Art Associates, asks that you “please watch for 1 year.” You will see “two artists living out 365 days in identical white rooms,” the site says; it’s an updating of “Sam Hsieh’s notorious ‘One Year Performance 1978-79,’ in which the artist isolated himself in a cage-like room for a year’s time.” In the new piece, you’re asked to put in as much time as the artists did.

That doesn’t mean you have to. Lots of pieces of online art loosen their grip on you once you get the point. And by the way, nearly every piece of online art does have a point.”
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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » nyt review

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