MTAA-RR » news » mriver » mtaa september 09:
Sep 01, 2009
MTAA September 09
posted at 17:41 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Gallery Aferro in Newark, NJ
Saturday, September 12 - October 3, 2009
Curated by Ethan Ham
opening reception September 12, 2009 7-10pm
Camera/Chimera is a series of photographs, each by a different artist. The artists are asked to replicate the previous artist’s photograph. The result is a visual game of “Telephone” in which the image slowly (and sometimes abruptly) mutates through the process of recreation.
Artists: Becca Albee, Holly Andres, Patterson Beckwith, Chase Browder, xtine burrough, Cassandra C. Jones, Adrianne Davis, Stephanie Dean, Dennis Delgado, Joel Fisher, Harrell Fletcher, Joy Garnett, Greta Ham, Tim Hutchings, Steve Lambert, Gus Meisner, Robin Michals, Hajoe Moderegger, MTAA, Shani Peters, Anne Schiffer, Christian Marc Schmidt, Tom Thayer, Mariana Tres, Angie Waller

Conflux City 2009
McCarren Park, Brooklyn, NY
Sunday, September 20, 2009 2-3pm
OTO, MTAA, Mike Koller and Conflux 09 present the World’s First, Possibly Only and Probably Last iPhone Drum Circle (aka IPDC)

MTAA solo show at The Electronic Gallery at Salisbury University
September 08 to Oct 23, 2009
live performance Friday, September 25, 2009
Since 2005, the Brooklyn-based artist duo MTAA (Michael Sarff and Tim Whidden) have produced a series of dual video self-portraits. Salisbury University Electronic Galley will show these pieces together for the first time. Additionally, a new piece, produced at Salisbury University, will be shown. In these often humorous performances of conflict and communication, MTAA use their images as avatars for the vast chatter of our current media society. Along with the exhibition of the dual portraits, MTAA will return to the Electronic Galley on September 25, 2009 for a live performance/lecture having something to do with vernacular aliens. permanent link to this post
MTAA-RR » news » mriver » mtaa september 09