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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » more from conflux 06:

Sep 13, 2006

more from conflux 06

posted at 16:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

From our art pal Lee Walton, a sad day of self exile from Union Sqaure. No tears Lee, no tears.

On Friday, September 15th effective precisely at Noon- Lee Walton will leave Union Square Park never to return again.

Following a self-imposed life restriction, Walton’s world will get a little bit smaller. In the morning, Walton will be spending his final hours in the park before his departure. Exactly at noon, he will descend the steps of the park and begin walking south in search of a cold valedictory beer.

Any additional company and support on this difficult day would be welcomed and appreciated.

Hint: The 4th floor windows at the DSW shoe store on 14th street yield an excellent view of Walton’s final descent down the steps of Union Square Park. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » more from conflux 06

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