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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » march082904:

Feb 12, 2006

MTAA bloc

posted at 16:35 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

It was more than a shuffle than a march but we, along with 5000,000 others, paid our disrespects to the RNC. MTAA bloc was made up of H.popk, T.whid and M.river. We tried to meet up with P.earl but got stuck at the beginning of the march for an hour.

So, as we do at all protest, here is MTAA bloc’s favs:

Voted as favorite sign, banner or t-shirt: “Go ahead and take my civil liberties, I was not using them anyway.”

Voted favorite float: the big inflatable pink pig with marching mice.

Voted bad protest idea: illegible graphic novel on a banner

Voted worst float: the dumb ass burning green dragon

Special political theater award for The Raging Grannies and Billionaires for Bush

Props to the Upright Citizen Brigade for letting people use their bathrooms even when a show was going on.

Thumbs down to Macys for showing Fox News on their big screens across from the Garden.

Anyway, it was good to see a big peaceful crowd. I have my fears that Bush will win in Nov. but I think people are starting add up his failures and realize that he has taken America in the wrong direction.

Stop by Postmasters tonight at 8 pm for DC911, Evildoers remix. Should be fun permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » march082904

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