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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » justatestofsomething:

Feb 12, 2006


posted at 16:35 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Ummmm…just ignore this post.

It’s really just a test of something on the backend of the site.

It’s nothing more than that.

Well, okay, as long as I am here I’ll give you the MTAA Studio Update. I think writing a MTAA S.U. is like a reporting the weather. Some stuff happens but unless you are in it, it’s kinda dull. Anyway, Monday we tested the software that RSG wrote for the 1ypv and then moved the sculpture up onto the stage so that I could paint the floor. Last night I painted the floor (oil based deck paint - battleship grey - hot). I have just a small patch still to paint under the desk. John, our landlord stopped by to say hello. Sounds like a new lease for 05 is fine. I gave him our URL so he can see the 1ypv. Hopefully we will move the sculpture off the stage this weekend so we can get a photo of it working.

Man, I can’t believe you would actually read down to this point. Thanks. Get back to work now. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » justatestofsomething

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