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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » if in london:

Feb 12, 2006

If in London…

posted at 16:35 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Check out Fritz’s show

When the Time-Traveller Kills Their Grandmother is a manifestation of soundart and noiselove at Alma Enterprises (1 Vyner Street, London E2 9DG. nearest tube station is Bethnal Green) september 2 - 25, private view sept 1st. 6-9pm. In this multiphase project, humansacrifice presents sets out to explore the possibility of using sound, noise and even music as tools for warping reality and shifting time while placidly wading through the mire of contemporary psychic potentiality.

The first night (sept 1, 9pm-midnight) will expand into staged demonstrations of these concepts at Bistrotheque (23-27 wadeson Street in hackney. 9pm-midnight) Music actions by Pleasure/Drenching Improvers, Dylan Nyoukis & Stefan Jaworzyn, and The Nekid Kidmen. Noise becomes flesh as music is food and art is love!!! permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » if in london

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