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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » eduardo navas allegorical:

Feb 12, 2006

Eduardo Navas, allegorical

posted at 16:35 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

I still find it odd that people look at my (our) work. I always have that strange feeling of working in the basement with the light out when suddenly someone opens the door at the top of the stairs, shines a flashlight down and shouts, “Hey! What’s going on?” I know that perception is somewhat the base of art, but it does freak me out a bit. It’s very cool to know someone is thinking about your work in a big picture kinda way, but, like I said, freaky. Anyways, here is an essay by Eduardo Navas on Conceptual Art and its relation to New Media.

“While it is true that artists part of the group were influenced by a certain type of conceptualism, the premises behind conceptual art as it is understood from its origins in the New York scene is practically irrelevant in new media practice. When it is brought up it is often in allegorical form. In regards to this, we can consider a work that has been reviewed here. MTAA’s One Year Performance,[1] which allegorizes Performance artist Sam Hsieh’s One year performance where he stayed in a cell for a whole year.”

more over at netartreview

Endnote: In the end, I think it’s good to get the flashlight in the face soemtimes. Keeps ya awake. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » eduardo navas allegorical

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