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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » drinkdraw:

Feb 12, 2006

AIOTD - Drinking and Drawing

posted at 16:35 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

My friend owns a bar in Brooklyn called Matchless (named after the motorcycle). Every so often, he or his wife asks me if I would like to show some work at the bar. The question is usually place in a we-know-you-do-not-do that-kinda-art sorta way. Well, I finally got around to say yes. Here is the idea.

MTAA and Matchless present the First Annual Drinking and Drawing Championship.

All we need to do is do is get a few reams of 8.5x11 white paper, pencils, some push pins, a few B-list celebrity judges, a dj and a 100 dollar bar tab for the winner. The competition is open to all professional and amateurs but one MUST have a drink while working on the drawing. All works get hung on the wall of the bar for a month. The winner gets a fancy frame.

So, if you will be in New York in late January, and would like to test your skills, start practicing at your local bar, cafe or restaurant tonight. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » drinkdraw

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