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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » big day:

Feb 12, 2006

big day

posted at 16:35 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Hey, It’s Chinese New Year, Ash Wednesday and the MTAA blog (aka MTAA-RR) birthday. We’re turning 2 today. I’m told that means that we will start hitting things, yelling and crying for no reason. Insert joke here.

twhid adds:
(Yeah, I know, we’re not supposed to do this anymore…)

Since I’m not Chinese, I don’t really care about Chinese New Year. Seems to be just another excuse to have a party — which is fine — it just doesn’t get down into my emotional core like other holidays I’ve celebrated all my life.

Since I was raised catholic (note tense: was) I have nostalgic feelings for Ash Wednesday. I was always pissed that the smudge on my head was supposed to be a cross but never looked like one. Since the priest had to smudge so many ashes on so many people’s heads he couldn’t make ‘em all look good I reasoned.

Since I am T.Whid I’m immensely proud that our little blog here has made it two entire years! Congrats to us! Here’s the first post BTW (technically it wasn’t first, but the one before was just some filler). I think something got a little screwy and we lost some of the earlier posts. Oh well.

M.River, you know damn well that I’ve been yelling and crying for no reason for years! permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » big day

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