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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » and speaking of 1ypv:

Feb 12, 2006

and speaking of 1ypv..

posted at 16:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


I’ve been working on a nasty cold and yesterday was a rainy fall Sunday afternoon. So, I rented the movie Primer. I found myself getting a bit choked up watching it. This was odd because 1. I don’t get choked up about movies and 2. Even if one was prone to getting chocked up about movies, this is defiantly not one to get choked up about.

Primer is a movie about engineers who make a time machine in a garage. That’s really not what the movie is about but it’s the easiest description. Oh, and yes, it’s geeky.

Anyway, there I was - in my kitchen, rain falling, nose running getting wrapped up in a movie that, by style, is very unemotional. Was it the Dayquill with the Claritin chaser? Was it fall rain? Was it the line about what happens to engineers when they turn 40?

It did not click until later when I checked to see if 1ypv was running. Yes, I knew that my response to the movie had to do with Tim and I making work together and about being of a certain age in a creative field but I did not get it until I saw 1ypv was still down.

Now, if you have seen this movie you know that the two characters travel in time by entering side by side boxes. You know that as part of this movement in time they need to isolate themselves afterwards. They go to a hotel, turning off the TV, unplug the phone and just sit around. So, yes, it has a surface relation to 1ypv. I think the thing that bothered me was somewhere underneath the formal similarities.

In the movie, when a person moves in time, they fracture their identity. You have the person who moves and the person who stays. You get a feeling of alienation or loss between the characters and the left behind selves. Seeing 1ypv not running I had the slight feeling that one of my selves had stopped and that if it started running again it might not be the same self.

Okay, just try to think about it when you look in the mirror while brushing your teeth tonight. You’ll see what I mean.

A feeling of loss, a feeling of being fractured in time, a feeling of not being able to control one’s fate – perhaps this was what was being triggered by the film. Then again, maybe it was just a low grade fever. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » and speaking of 1ypv

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