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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd luck dumb luck:

Feb 12, 2006

AIOTD – Dumb Luck Generator (DLG)

posted at 16:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Here is one T.Whid thought of last night (I guess we can call it an “Art Idea of the Night” but we’ll stick with AIOTD)

A small (4 x 10 inch) window set in a white wall a little above waist height. Next to the window is a number key pad. If you look into the window you will see a pile of new dollar bills (100 in total). If you randomly punch in the right 10 digit number, the window will open.

Side note: Why I named T.Whid’s idea the Dumb Luck Generator.
This morning at the newsstand, two scratch-and-win players consoled each other. “ You just have to stay positive to win a free gift”. My first thought was “free gift” is redundant. My second thought was lotto is not free. My third thought was that you do not have to be positive, you just need to fork over some cash and check the results. My last thought was that I should be a bit more positive and less judgmental first thing in the morning. Anyway, the Dumb Luck Generator is a sculpture about faith. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd luck dumb luck

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