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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd122204:

Feb 12, 2006

AIOTD - Forget 2004

posted at 16:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

A general request to help me forget 2004

As the year come to an end, I would like to ask my friends, family and general cohorts to help me forget that year 2004 ever took place.

It’s not that I had such a terrible year. I’m in a good relationship. I have a job. I think MTAA made some good artwork this year. I have my health. I saw some artwork that I got excited about - off the top of my head - Paper Rad, The Infinite Fill Show, McCoys, Steve Mumford, Brooklyn Gravity Racers, Gregor Schneider, Jennifer Bolande and Pierre Huyghe. I also saw some great concerts this year - Lightning Bolt, AMC, Mission of Burma, Clamp, PTV3, and, of course, Pixies.

On the surface 2004 was all right. That is, expect for the election, the rise of the right, the off target war in Iraq and what I never thought I’d see Americans do in modern times, the torture of humans.

Please understand, it’s not that the good was not good this year or that the bad was bad. Something else makes me want to forget 2004. It’s something in the year I have not been able to point at. I have some weird feeling about the year in general. The year sits in my mouth, tinged with a metallic aftertaste. Sharp and toxic, 2004 is a year I would like to fade.

So, if you could help me out and not mention it after December 31. Thanks. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd122204

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