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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd120704:

Feb 12, 2006

AIOTD - 120704 - Cannibalcannibal

posted at 16:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

A 3x4x3 table, a computer, a printer, and a paper shredder are covered in zip-up fun fur suites (white, grey, red and black). The suites have small details like ears, tails and air vents. The computer, connected to the internet, picks up and prints all email sent to The printed email is then dumped directly into the shedder which is mounted under the table. The shredded email creates a pile on the floor under the table. A portrait (20 x 24 framed c-print) of MTAA as small furry self eating beasts hangs on the wall near the table. The portrait contains the email address for the work. On-line, MTAA will plant the address in various locations to generate email from both humans and spam bots.

Note: Hey, it’s only an idea right now. The email is not active. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd120704

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