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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd120204:

Feb 12, 2006

AIOTD 120204 – Wood Thrush by a creek in West Virginia

posted at 16:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

This is not a MTAA project or really an art project at all. Well, it is kind of art but it is hard to explain. Anyway, basically this is a request for technology help.

A friend of mine would like to set up a way to webcast the sounds of Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) near a creek on her farm in West Virginia so that she can hear them when she is in Brooklyn. The Wood Thrush is a bird that is not on the endangered species list but apparently should be (ahem - developers). West Virginia is a prime love shack (i.e. breeding ground) for the Wood Thrush. I think this makes their song by the creek a good thing to send out to the world.

So, if you have any thoughts on how to go about this, post them below and I’ll pass them on. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd120204

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