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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd111104:

Feb 12, 2006

AIOTD 11-11-04

posted at 16:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Here is another MTAA Art Idea of the Day. This is a rough idea for a show that we might be part of in small town in Austria . The shows theme is Kitsch

MTAA’s Karaoke Death Match 100

It can be said that kitsch is culturally relative. That is, of course, except for Karaoke (contemporary pop songs sung off-tune in a drunken haze of pretend stardom accompanied by a video jukebox) Let us be clear, Karaoke is the kitsch among kitsch but we all love it. We love it and MTAA will now battle with it.


A projection (DVD) shows a spilt screen waist-up shot of M. River and T. Whid of MTAA.

M. River is on the left wearing a black hooded sweatshirt. T. Whid is on the right wearing a black button-down shirt. Behind each figure is a video green screen.

One at a time, M. River and T. Whid select and perform a song from a Karaoke machine. They sing until they reach 100 songs. As they sing, the Karaoke video with lyric is displayed behind on the green screen. The entire performance will be done in one take without pause. For 100 songs, we estimate the performance will take 5 hours.

We suspect that over 5 hours of non-stop Karaoke: 1. M.River and T.Whid will try to out perform and/ or outlast each other. 2. Over 5 hours, they will become fatigued and begin to struggle with the songs. 3. It will be very poorly sung and hopefully very funny.

Physical installation:

The installation is fairly straight forward. The work projected with a good set of speakers. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » aiotd111104

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