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MTAA-RR » news » mriver » 111722112802:

Feb 12, 2006

Karaoke Smashup

posted at 16:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Here is a art project by some students of JM.

Karaoke Smashup

at MatchlessThursday, June 9th, 9:00 pm.

Karaoke Smashup takes an experimental twist on Karaoke. In this multimedia extravaganza, artists’ videos, audio, and texts collide with the elements of spontaneous performance. Karaoke Smashup breaks all the barriers of the traditional “art performance scenario” by providing full contact between local artists and their audience in a casual bar environment. Audience members are encouraged to participate.

Featuring works by Jill Auckenthaler, Rebecca Dolan, Carl Ferrero, Carrie Fucile, David Gitt, Marni Kotak, Nick Lesley, Sarah Phillips and Robert Ramirez.

Music will be provided by DJ Ó and DJ Rob the Rich

This event was curated by Jennifer McCoy, organized by Madeleine Gallagher and Susan Landau, and produced as a collaborative community art project between PIMA, Performance and Interactive Media Arts at Brooklyn College and the artist community of MFA Students in the Fine Arts Program at Brooklyn College. Admission is Free. permanent link to this post

MTAA-RR » news » mriver » 111722112802

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