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Sep 01, 2017

#unmade - report 6 (51-60)

posted at 20:46 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

#unmade - report 6 (51-60)

February 1, 2017 marked the beginning of a year long painting / internet art project titled #unmade.

For #unmade, I am posting, via Twitter, 100 titles for 100 unrealised paintings over the course of 2017. A painting (most likely as an acrylic and ink on canvas) is available for each title. Each #unmade painting is priced at $100. To commission a painting, a person may contact me (DM via Twitter) the day the title is posted. If no one commissions the title on the the day of the post (midnight EST), the painting will remain unmade.

The sixth set of 10 tiles (#51-60) have generated 0 commissioned paintings with 6 likes and 1 retweet. During the sixth set, the @mriver twitter account gained 1 new follower for the current total of 293. Of the 6 new likes for titles #51-60, 83% are from MTAA member emeritus @twhid with @gregorg pulling in 100% of the 1 retweet


I’ve been called a net artist but I have always considered myself a sculptor. Although I self-define as a sculptor, I would like to confess I have been working in the role of a landscape painter in #Unmade. I say this with full understanding that landscape painter might be a pejorative in the artworld. For some, I might as well call myself a Sunday painter (which technically I half am as I only post #Unmade on Wednesday and Sundays).

At this point in #Unmade, I have only made hypothetical painting titles. Although the project exists only as titles so far, I feel #Unmade falls in the tradition of a person out in the field with tubes of paint trying to capture the light through fleeting clouds over the river at sunrise as a large ship burns in the foreground.

Yes, Landscape paintings. Georgia O’Keefe and I, out in the world staring down skulls and mesas.

Although I have built #Unmade within the realm of landscape, I feel it is now time to work outside my default settings. I feel it might be time to switch gears and take on the terrifying role know as “figure painter”. So, for the next set (61-70), I would like to propose some new portraits. permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.