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May 20, 2017

DOT.ART or I guess we are in a show in the UK

posted at 11:22 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver



Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Heath Bunting, MTAA, Rafaël Rozendaal, Critical Art Ensemble, Lorna Mills and Ryder Ripps.

Dot.Art is is an exhibition and events programme presenting artworks from the first wave of Net.Art alongside more recent projects produced since the rise of web 2.0, social networks and easily accessible search engines. Taking place in Vivid Projects’ physical space as well as occupying hyperlinks on its website, the Dot.Art season explores the internet as a medium and site for art from the 1990s through to the present day and includes an events series incorporating a weekly reading group, talks, performances and workshops. permanent link to this post

#unmade - report 3 (21-30)

posted at 01:29 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

#unmade - report 3 (21-30)

February 1, 2017 marked the beginning of a year long painting / internet art project titled #unmade.

For #unmade, I am posting, via Twitter, 100 titles for 100 unrealised paintings over the course of 2017. A painting (most likely as an acrylic and ink on canvas) is available for each title. Each #unmade painting is priced at $100. To commission a painting, a person may contact me (DM via Twitter) the day the title is posted. If no one commissions the title on the the day of the post (midnight EST) , the painting will remain unmade.

The third set of 10 tiles (#21-30) have generated 0 commissioned paintings with 7 likes and 0 retweets. During the third set, the mriver twitter account remained at 290 followers. Of the 7 new likes for titles #21-30, 100% are from MTAA member emeritus @twhid. Thanks @twhid


I’ve been to art fairs, galleries and museums since #unmade began. In the physical world and world online, I see paintings. Remember the little boy who whispers “I see dead people.”? I feel like this now. I feel it but not in the worn “painting-is-dead” way. It’s more of a feeling of seeing something pass before me and I’m not sure it is real. I’m not sure if others see what I am seeing. I’m not sure if I am afraid. Can these visitations harm me? Should I voice my concerns to adults?

With #unmade, I see each painting as I write each title. Each painting fades as they become unmade. I look back at the titles. I try to remember how I was going to produce each one. They tell us history is the objects we keep. As the images fade and only the the titles marking the spent opportunity remains, I wonder what becomes of all of this.

Speaking of the undead, the next 10 titles (31-40) are appropriated from classic paintings. They are from paintings that seem to appear just by their names. For unmade tiles, I have renamed them with anagrams. Yes, the names of the next ten possible unmade paintings are anagrams of famous made paintings. Yes, I know this cringe worthy and nerdy. I know. I know. You see dead people. I see paintings. First with anagram answers in the comments win bragging rights. permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.