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Feb 02, 2017

#unmade 2017

posted at 01:22 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


Over the next year, titles for 100 unmade paintings will be posted on twitter from the account @mriver. Each title will be followed by the hashtag #unmade. Only one title will be sent out per day.

An original painting is available for $100 (payable via paypal) for each of the 100 #unmade titles. If a person would like to commission and acquire an #unmade painting, they may Direct Message @mriver before midnight EST on the day of the post. If no contact is made before the end of the day, the painting will not be produced and the title will no longer be available. If more than one person contacts the account, the work will be sent to the first person who DMed. All works will be shipped by mail.

The title, collector and an image of each painting produced, as well as a list of the #unmade titles, will be posted on the #unmade Google Doc. permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.