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Jul 16, 2014

MTAA may or may not be in summer net art exhibition 2014

posted at 12:12 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


We’re still not sure if MTAA is or is not in the exhibition Painters and Poets in Ljubljana, Slovenia curated by Vuk Ćosić & Alenka Gregorič but we do know that Vuk sent us a picture of one of the best SNAD “Physical Outputs” ever. Show runs to August 31, 2014 permanent link to this post

Jul 15, 2014


posted at 01:55 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

South first

Solvent transfer drawing for South First’s Group Material Unrealized Proposals show. List of 10 things I know about Austria and image from my hotel room in Leondig from 2007


10 vague things I learned on my only trip to Austria in the Fall of 2005 and then remembered nine years later on the occasion of SOUTHFIRST Gallery’s re-activation of the unrealized curatorial proposal North/South of Bounds, reinterpreted as American/Austrian Boundaries, from the artist-run collective Group Material (1979-1996)

1. Cotton candy is called candyfloss.

2. Grown men, in general, do not wear shorts in Austria unless you count Lederhosen.

3. I was told and I agreed that Americans do not know how to say goodbye.

4. Everyone used the slang “Zuper” to describe something good as in “This beer is Zuper!”.

5. Celebrating your 38th birthday alone in a street cafe in Vienna can be perfect.

6. Vienna is the English name for Wien.

7. As the shouting match in the train station confirmed, Germans and Austrians do not necessarily get along.

8. When in doubt, talk about music.

9. Most people I knew in New York had not been to Austria, most people I met in Austria had been to New York.

10. If new drinking buddy promises at 2am to pick you up from the hotel and take you to the airport at 7am sharp, you might want a backup plan.

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