Jan 26, 2014
MTAA’s Sub-Sublease of Shirley’s The Only Property I Will Ever Own
posted at 15:46 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
As part of the Real Estate exhibition at the Ventana 244 Art Space at 244 North 6th Street in Williamsburg , Brooklyn in the city of New York, MTAA has sub-subleased an exhibition space in Raphaele Shirley’s art installation tilted “The Only Property I Will Ever Own” which in turn was subleased from the artist Tamas Veszi, who is leasing the space from Peter Soriano and Philippe Richard who are somehow leasing the space from the Gallery owners from January 24—February 28, 2014 or something like. The lines are somewhat unclear at this point.
Anyways, Raphaele Shirley’s art installation tilted “The Only Property I Will Ever Own” consist of a vintage dollhouse sized barn mounted on top of Tamas Veszi installation. In the barn, Shirley has install a light installation. MTAA, as a sub tenet of Shirley, has installed two almost identical photographs in the barn. The photographs may be viewed via small black and white monitor that is connected to a surveillance camera mounted in the barn.
So, MTAA in agreement with Raphaele Shriley, would like to place for sale on craigslist a work titled MTAA’s Sub-Sublease of Shirley’s The Only Property I Will Ever Own which is comprised of the barn, the light installation, the two photographs, the monitor, the camera and assorted cables for $5,500 OBO.
MTAA is willing to deliver and install the artwork to any location in the city of New York. Delivery costs to location outside of New York City can be negotiated.
Craigslist post for the work permanent link to this post