Dec 30, 2013
MTAA’s Maybe Manifesto in relation to Yvonne Rainer’s No Manifesto, 2013
posted at 18:20 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
maybe manifesto from mriver on Vimeo.
No to spectacle.
Some spectacle.
No to virtuosity.
No to transformations and magic and make-believe.
Agree with transformation and magic but make-believe is all we have.
No to the glamour and transcendency of the star image.
No to the heroic.
No to the anti-heroic.
We try but that is what we always end up with. Is that fine?
No to trash imagery.
What? No. Maybe.
No to involvement of performer or spectator.
Yes to the no involvement part but only for the performer.
No to style.
No to style always ends up as a style. How about change style often?
No to camp.
No to seduction of spectator by the wiles of the performer.
Could not seduce the audience with our wiles if we tried, so that works for us.
No to eccentricity.
First misread that as electricity and strongly disagreed.
No to moving or being moved.
Sure. We do not like to be touched while performing as well. Creepy.
Yvonne Rainer - No Manifesto, 1965
MTAA’s Maybe Manifesto in relation to Yvonne Rainer’s No Manifesto, 2013
Dec 17, 2013
A Very Very Cold Martini with Elaine Tin Nyo
posted at 23:44 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
2nd Music for IOI music excerpt (popcorn)
posted at 13:44 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
IOI music 2013 excerpt from mriver on Vimeo.
The second sample of a 1 hour work performed on Dec 7, 2013 at Auxiliary Projects in Brooklyn as part of MTAA’s Desk Mod #4. Station IOI or Some Thoughts on Isolation, Observation and Ice. For the work an audio recording was made during the IOI exhibition opening. A set of four tapes where then made from the recordings. At 4pm on December 7, Aviram Cohen used a 4 track to play and manipulate the tape over 1 hour. While Aviram was in the gallery, MTAA was outside attempting to make Jiffy-pop popcorn on the street. The work outside was captured and projected in the galley by a surveillance camera. The sound heard on this sample comes from Aviram’s performance as well as people in the gallery commenting on the work outside. permanent link to this post
Music for IOI (Live) - with Aviram Cohen (2 min sample of 1 hour work
posted at 13:27 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Music for IOI (Live) - with Aviram Cohen (2 min sample of 1 hour work from mriver on Vimeo.
A 2 min sample of a 1 hour work performed on Dec 7, 2013 at Auxiliary Projects in Brooklyn as part of MTAA’s Desk Mod #4. Station IOI or Some Thoughts on Isolation, Observation and Ice. For the work an audio recording was made during the IOI exhibition opening. A set of four tapes where then made from the recordings. At 4pm on December 7, Aviram Cohen used a 4 track to play and manipulate the tape over 1 hour. While Aviram was in the gallery, MTAA was outside attempting to make Jiffy-pop popcorn on the street. The work outside was captured and projected in the galley by a surveillance camera. The sound heard on this sample comes from Aviram’s performance as well as people in the gallery commenting on the work outside. permanent link to this post
Live Dramatic Reading (Disconnection of HAL 9000’s Higher Functions) - 2013
posted at 13:22 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Live Dramatic Reading (Disconnection of HAL 9000’s Higher Functions) - 2013 from mriver on Vimeo.
On Saturday Nov 24, 2013 at 4pm, MTAA performed Live Dramatic Reading (Disconnection of HAL 9000’s Higher Functions) at Auxiliary Projects in Brooklyn as part of the exhibition Desk Mod #4. Station IOI or Some Thoughts on Isolation, Observation and Ice.
This is the fourth time the work has been preformed publicly since 2009. The work has also been presented at OTO in Brooklyn, the Beal center in Irvine, California and at the Aurora Picture show in Houston, Texas permanent link to this post
Dec 10, 2013
IOI performance #3 - A Very Very Cold Martini - with Elaine Tin Nyo
posted at 00:19 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Saturday Dec 14 at 4pm -5pm
Auxiliary Projects - 2 St. Nicholas Avenue, space 25, at the corner of Jefferson Street in Bushwick, Brooklyn
MTAA and Elaine Tin Nyo will make and serve you a very very cold Vesper Martini.
permanent link to this post
Dec 03, 2013
IOI performance #2 - Music for lOl (Live)- with Aviram Cohen
posted at 00:11 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Saturday, Dec 7, 4pm- Music for lOl (Live)- with Aviram Cohen - MTAA and Cohen perform a live remix of field recordings from the IOI opening at Auxiliary Projects.
For the second of four IOI performance at Auxiliary Projects, MTAA and Cohen will create a live remix of field recordings from the IOI opening. For the past 14 years Aviram Cohen has experimented with different genres in music. Raw punk, Disjointed jazz, Shadowy synthesizers have all been implemented to convey a DIY approach and application. For this performance Aviram will continue with his more recent exploration with cassettes and tape music. Uncovering the dormant rhythmic qualities that occur in our verbal communications with each other. While Aviram manipulates sound, MTAA will be making popcorn and severing you drinks.
Auxiliary Projects is located at 2 St. Nicholas Avenue, space 25, at the corner of Jefferson Street in Bushwick, Brooklyn permanent link to this post